3D Gaming Performance (cont)

Changing the 3D game to Unreal Tournament switches things up a bit. No longer is the Aladdin TNT2 top 3D performer; it is replaced by the ProSavage core found in both the PM133 and KM133 chipsets. It seems that the ProSavage graphics controller is much better at texture intensive games like Unreal Tournament than it is at high polygon games such as Quake III Arena.

The SiS 300 graphics controller found in the SiS 730S chipset is able to flex enough muscle to keep up with the ProSavage controllers, at least when in the Duron system. The SiS solution for the Socket370 platform does not fare nearly as well, falling way behind the others when it comes to performance. Surprisingly, the i815 chipset is able to out perform two rival chipset solutions, despite the fact that it fell way behind in Quake III Arena tests.


At 800x600x16, we find that the chipsets lie in the same ranking as when in 640x480x16. Once again, the SiS 630S is at the bottom of the graph while the ProSavage based PM133 and KM133 perform best in this situation.

3D Gaming Performance using Integrated Video DVD Performance
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