Noise and Thermal Testing, Stock

Since the AZZA Genesis 9000 has no front intake fans, intake cooling duties are handled largely by the two bottom-mounted 140mm fans. Bottom-to-top cooling can be very effective, but the motherboard isn't rotated ninety degrees here the way it is in SilverStone's more efficient designs, so air travelling through the Genesis 9000 unfortunately just doesn't have a very efficient default path to work with.

I tested the Genesis 9000 in its stock tray orientation (with the motherboard tray flipped and the video card above the CPU) and with the tray oriented in the typical ATX style (with the CPU above the video card); these are listed as "default" and "alt" respectively. The case's fan control also only has two speeds, low and high, and so I tested it in each of these speeds for a combined four different test runs. Ambient temperature around the Genesis 9000 varied between 24C and 25C during testing.

CPU Temperatures, Stock


GPU Temperatures, Stock

SSD Temperatures, Stock

Thermally the Genesis 9000 puts in a solid performance. Unfortunately there's no one-size-fits-all orientation; if you run it in its stock configuration, the graphics card runs hotter but the CPU heatsink gets fed. If you flip the tray, suddenly the graphics card is getting fed but the CPU heatsink is blocked somewhat by the video card. In our non-overclocked configuration, though, we can easily determine that switching between low nad high fan speeds doesn't seem to have much of an effect. This isn't surprising; most cases tend to perform perfectly fine with their fans running low-to-mid speeds and gain very little by pumping up the fan speed.

CPU Fan Speed, Stock

GPU Fan Speed, Stock

Fan speeds for the most part tell the same story. Depending on the motherboard orientation, you're really feeding one or the other, and I can see this becoming a real problem in a multi-GPU configuration. Under those circumstances you may want to consider installing a 200mm intake fan in the side panel.

Noise Levels, Stock

While bumping up the case's fan speed doesn't seem to do much for its thermals, it makes the whole thing nearly unbearable to listen to. There's virtually no reason to run the Genesis 9000 at high speed.

Also note that the standard ATX orientation of the motherboard (listed as "alt") runs a bit quieter. This makes sense when you consider that high performance graphics cards typically draw more power and generate more heat than CPUs do. We're looking at a 95W CPU competing with a 170W GPU; under the circumstances cooling the GPU should probably take priority, and that's why the default orientation may not actually be the right call.

Testing Methodology Noise and Thermal Testing, Overclocked
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  • Ilias78 - Friday, July 13, 2012 - link

    Great review Justin and the case looks like an incredibly interesting piece of work - mostly due for its customization capabilities. Much like the Silverstone FT02, Id love to get my hands on one of these and spend hours on making a perfectly assembled system (its also a challenge to do builds on such unusual cases and i like it). I still do believe however that your cable management needs more attention. I suspect that you usually must be on a deadline to build the system and write your review (which means that you dont have the luxury of time on your side), but i would really-really like to see you doing better cable management. You assembled the system ofc and you know better, but i look at the case and i see so many options and possibilities for cable routing, or ways to make things cleaner :) But still, great revew... its one of those cases that make your "creativity juices" go sky-high :)
  • blackmagnum - Friday, July 13, 2012 - link

    It looks like a storm trooper and a Camaro has mated. Though it seems easy to clean the smooth exterior.
  • MakingMonkeys - Friday, July 13, 2012 - link

    Thank you for the review,
    The price link is attached to a wrong item on newegg.
  • mentatstrategy - Friday, July 13, 2012 - link

    and Tron themed devices - including the price! (Super high for a case in my opinion sheesh)
  • sudz - Friday, July 13, 2012 - link

    Great review, Except I have one overall gripe with how you do mid and full size case reviews.

    I can't speak for everyone, but When I'm building a machine that needs a medium or large sized case, I have more than just an SSD, MicroATX and one video card.

    I understand the need for uniformity across all your reviews/test beds, however using the case in a way that the majority of users in a real life situation would be much more informative.

    For example, my "gaming" machine is a Mid sized tower, with 5 hard drives, 2 optical drives, and two 6850's in crossfire.

    The setup you have could be fit into a small HTPC (minus the video card) Who in their right mind would waste 200+ (160 in this "case") to put micro atx motherboard and a single hard drive into a full size tower?

    Heat, Airflow, noise would all change when loaded up with an "average" full size setup, Including installation, cable routing, etc.

    Just a thought!
  • AeroJoe - Monday, July 16, 2012 - link

    I'm with sudz on this one. I would want to see something more in line with a case full of motherboard, graphics cards and hard-drives. After all, that's why one would need a case this big.

    So let's see it with a liquid cooled core-7 processor with a closed-loop radiator in the top of the chassis, and at least four 3.5-inch hard-drives installed with the OS running on a 2.5-inch SSD. Then I would have a MUCH better idea as to whether this case deserves consideration for my next build project.
  • Nomanor - Sunday, July 22, 2012 - link

    Great point.

    When reviewing Full Tower cases, stuff them with proper components.
  • Arbie - Friday, July 13, 2012 - link

    We know that, all other things being equal, a larger fan will move more air with less noise. So I would like to have 230mm fans everywhere. The problem comes when you're actually trying to select and buy them. There is practically no choice. All ideas of working with RPM ranges and PWM control go out the window. And you may find that only sleeve bearings are available. Those are completely unsuited to horizontal mounting (as at the top of this case) where they will fail early.

    I've learned the hard way to prefer plain old 120mm or at most 140mm fan ports. I'd like it to be otherwise, and tried to go there, but the industry is nowhere near ready. There just isn't enough demand, and I don't see that changing soon.
  • P5-133XL - Friday, July 13, 2012 - link

    I'm annoyed, the review gives temps for SSD's and doesn't use HD's. SSD's don't generate much heat and are quite heat insensitive. HD's on the other hand generate significant amount of heat and are sensitive to heat especially if there aren't fan's in front of them.

    I've had significant issues with cases where placing HD's next to each other have caused HD's to get excessively hot and I've needed to either get fans that generate noise or spread the HD's apart so that they are not next to each other.

    With no HD temps in the review, means I skip this case in my next build...
  • Belard - Friday, July 13, 2012 - link

    I second that. I think future reviews for gamer/power user cases should reflect more reality... One SSD and two 2TB Hard Drives. Both of my desktops have two HDs, my main has an SSD.

    While the 3.5 Drive bays may seem a bit of a waste being in 5" drive sleds, it gives them plenty of air-space. In todays world, I think even having TWO optical drives is rare. In the past 10 years, I've only built 2 computers for others who requested 2 drives.

    In the OLD days of PCs, the 3.5" drive bays were SNUG against each other. I noticed this problem back in 2002 when I opened my side panel of my HUGE Antec case (God it was loud) and notice the HEAT from the 3 HDs that were attached side by side. The AIR gap between the drives was slightly bigger than a quarter and the sides were solid. (These were drive cages).
    The drives were too hot to touch for more than a few seconds. I moved 2 drives to an adapter and stuck in a 5.25 bay (each), and left the 3rd in the middle 3.5 cage.

    Since then, my PC cases require having an air-vent in front of the HD bays and a good amount of space (top and bottom) for each drive.

    In the 90s with typical 4-drive setups (FD/HD/CD & CDR), this wasn't an issue with SLOW tech.

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