Test Configuration

Processor(s): Intel Pentium II Xeon OEM
Hard Drive(s): Quantum Atlas II QM34550AL-S - Ultra SCSI
Video Card(s): Matrox Millennium G200 (8MB SGRAM - AGP)
Bus Master Drivers: Adaptec 789x NT4 Driver
Video Drivers: Matrox Millennium G200 v3.68a
Operation System(s): Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4
Motherboard Revision: Tyan Thunder X Revision A


Windows NT 4 Performance

Winstone 99
Business High-end
Intel Pentium II Xeon 400 1MB 30.5 27.4

The Final Decision

Overall, the Tyan Thunder X does an excellent job as a dual Xeon board intended for a high-end server or workstation. Expansion is phenomenal with 6 PCI slots and dual channel Ultra 2 LVD SCSI. The stability could be a bit better, especially for a high-end board. Still, it's nearly impossible to fault Tyan as they have created one of the most powerful motherboards available on the market today

How it Rates


AnandTech Motherboard Rating

Performance 80%
Price 78%
Ease of Use 85%
Overclocked Stability 67%
General Stability 84%
Quality 94%
Documentation 94%
Reliability 94%
Overclocker's Overall Rating 85%
Non-Overclocker's Overall Rating 87%

The New Rating System
Each motherboard is rated in 8 areas, Performance, Price, Ease of Use, Overclocked Stability, Stability, Quality, Documentation, and Reliability.

Do not compare newer scores to older ones, the newer scores are much more aggressive

  • Performance - How well the motherboard compares to others in its class

  • Price - How competitive the price of the motherboard is when compared to others in its class

  • Ease of Use - How easy it is to setup the motherboard, jumper settings, jumperless configuration etc...

  • Overclocked Stability - How stable the motherboard is at overclocked CPU/Bus speeds

  • General Stability - How stable the motherboard is at normal CPU/Bus speeds

  • Quality - How much effort went into producing the motherboard

  • Documentation - How helpful is the manual and bundled support manuals

  • Reliability - How long will this motherboard last, will it fail? Deals with quantity/size of capacitors, known bugs, etc...

  • Overclocker's Overall Rating - an average of the eight above areas

  • Non-Overclocker's Overall Rating - the overclocked stability score is ignored and the general stability score counted twice.
The bad and features
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