Things return to "normal" once again under the DX-05 viewset benchmark with the 840 taking the lead yet again. This time the 840/PC100 combo actually outpaces the old BX/PC100 setup in spite of the extremely slow MRH-S chips that are necessary to adopt SDRAM to the 840's RDRAM memory controller.

The BX133 and 820/PC800 duke it out yet again for that second place spot, but the BX133 setup does manage to take the lead this time. A DDR SDRAM platform would almost definitely take the lead spot away from the 840/PC800 platform simply because of the obvious effects of low latency SDRAM on the Light-03 viewset test.


Nothing too different here, another illustration of a situation in which having a large amount of available memory bandwidth is important. This situation would be represented by the latter part of the latency vs bandwidth graph.

High Bandwidth Performance - Win2K Final Words
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