There's really no other way to say this: MSI’s P55-GD65 performs almost exactly the same as any other P55 motherboard in every single benchmark we ran.

Application tests, game tests, LAN tests, even USB, Firewire, and SATA controller performance was virtually identical across the board. We've known for a while now that motherboards of a given generation all perform the same, but there's honestly no more to it than that.

We've included a wealth of application, gaming and peripheral performance data for you to see for yourself, but honestly, features, overclocking potential, support, and price point are what matter here.

The biggest difference between the boards, from a performance standpoint, actually surfaces in power consumption:


Idle Power Consumption - Static

At idle the MSI P55-GD65 draws the least amount of power with the Core i7/860, while the Core i5/750 draws right over 2W more than the micro-ATX based Gigabyte board. Why the 860 setup draws less power is something we are still working on, but even manually setting the voltages the same resulted in a similar 2W~3W difference. When the 750 is overclocked, it draws slightly more power than the ASUS P7P55D board which features a voltage offset option in the BIOS, allowing it to idle at 1.088V instead of the 1.352V on the MSI board. The load numbers favor the MSI board across the board.

Application Power Consumption - Cinema 4D R11

Application/Gaming Performance

We're presenting all of the application/gaming performance data without commentary because, as we mentioned before - there's no real appreciable performance difference between these three boards. All of the boards were run with the Core i5 750 and we've included the Phenom II X4 965 BE as well as the i7 860, 870 and 920 purely for reference. Please check our Lynnfield launch article to see how well this processor performs against a variety of CPUs.

In many of our tests, the Core i5 750 is the same speed or faster than the Phenom II X4 965 BE. The lack of Hyper Threading prevents it from being a runaway success. In other cases, the Phenom II X4 965 is faster - and by a large degree.

Intel was very careful to disable HT on the 750, without it, there would be no reason to spend the extra money on the Core i7 860. Just as it was with Bloomfield, $284 is the sweet spot for Lynnfield if absolute performance is a requirement. Now for the benchmarks.

Test Setup Multitasking
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  • MadMan007 - Monday, October 12, 2009 - link

    er *video performance test. Whatever, not the place I'd expect to read about motherboard features or stuff that I'd epect to find in, ya know, regular motherboard reviews.
  • vlado08 - Sunday, October 11, 2009 - link

    Gary, give us the POST time ot the boards. Not the OS load time but the POST time. And Sata to be in AHCI mode.
  • Sunburn74 - Saturday, October 10, 2009 - link

    This really was a great review. You tell the end user pretty much everything he needs to know. I love how you tested S3 resume. Its very frustrating to buy a board said to have great overclocking and find that you can only overclock 300mhz before S3 sleep goes haywire. If this board can be pushed to 190blck before S3 goes awry that is amazingly good. Gigabyte boards give you about 600mhz of head room before they start failing in that regard. I don't know about you, but I don't like having to to weigh the value of keeping a 4ghz processor vs being able to have a computer that sleeps.

    Also what gives with the floppy and the ide ports? Who still uses floppies?

    Great review. I'll definitely keep this board in sight for when I build my p55 rig.
  • lopri - Sunday, October 11, 2009 - link

    Gary now writes practically critic-proof reviews.
  • Zaitsev - Saturday, October 10, 2009 - link

    Who still uses floppies? I still use floppies. I was pretty perturbed when I realized my P55 Asus board didn't have floppy support. Call me old school, but its compatible and works when you need sata drivers.
  • MadMan007 - Sunday, October 11, 2009 - link

    Well I can see how floppy is deprecated unless you need drivers for XP (old now, although WHS needs a floppy for F6 drivers) or an alternative OS (not sure about the latter) but I'm with you on IDE. If they're going to have a JMicron controller on the board might as well include the IDE connector, it probably adds almost nothing more to the cost.

    There are particular instances where having an IDE optical drive is beneficial. I set up my SATA drives as AHCI and some bootable ISOs do not play well with AHCI (or RAID) setting. I do have a SATA optical but having an IDE optical for booting such ISOs without having to mess around in the BIOS is nice and it guarantees compatability. I guess you could use a SATA optical on the JMicron set to IDE but I had the IDE drive so...

    I think it's funny that someone would 'look down on' a board for having an IDE It's not hurting anything being there, just ignore it.
  • Makaveli - Sunday, October 11, 2009 - link

    Who still uses Floopies I do!! I won't do a bios flash on my motherboard from windows or flashing a videocard bios!!!

    However there are these really great devices called USB thumb drives which you can make bootable and guess what goodbye floppy!!

    The only valid reason to keep using them is if your board doesn't allow booting from USB!

    Welcome to 2009!
  • stmok - Sunday, October 11, 2009 - link

    Floppy disk for SATA drivers?

    Can't you slipstream them in a customised Windows install CD via nLite/vLite? (I've only seen it done to a WinXP install CD.)
  • MadMan007 - Sunday, October 11, 2009 - link

    Good luck running nLite or vLite without an OS installed! ;) That's what second computers are for but still...
  • tony montana - Saturday, October 10, 2009 - link

    I old school too. The same on IDE. why I have to spend some bucks on a new DVD burner for 4 or 5 burns a year?

    This board has at least these ports at the right place for me, not on the bottom like others.

    thanks for review, is one of the two mobos I have in mind to purchase and I have seen some tips I haven´t see in others reviews

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