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General Performance


MPEG-4 Encoding Performance - 'Sum of All Fears' Ch. 9

The ULi M1695 is more than competitive with the best NVIDIA nForce4 boards that we have tested. The Business Winstone score for the ULi was the best that we have measured so far, and the Multimedia Content Creation Winstone was one of the top scores that we have seen. PCMark 2004 and Media Encoding showed performance at middle of the road compared to other nF4 Ultra boards. Overall, the ULi M1695/M1567 would have to be considered competitive in General Performance and Encoding with the fourth generation NVIDIA nForce4 chipset. This is not the first ULi/Ali chipset for Athlon 64, but ULi is anything but a recognized leader in this market. The fact that ULi competes very well with NVIDIA nForce4 in these benchmarks says a lot about the quality and potential of the ULi design.

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  • Sabresiberian - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - link

    Dang! I just bought an AGP mainboard! LOL! Well, I probably saved $100 and money was a concern for me.

    Glad to see this come out still, hats off to ULI :)

    Wish it had come out 6 months or more ago, I think that would have been more timely, but better late than never, heh.
  • nserra - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - link

    #Wesley Fink
    I noted that the speed of the AGP is very good, but vs the older 1689 is it equal, higher or is the 1689 even higher. Can you do some 939A8X-M test just to check?
    Also your explanation to #20 is confusing (at least to me), isn’t HT (200x5) = 1000HT speed and the chipset can do 400 (2,3,4X400) ?

    #28 I think Uli chipsets as been always one of the faster with hard disk transfers (a lot faster), the older don’t this I don’t know, also I don’t know the CPU % hit.
  • QV - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - link

    This looks like an interesting board. When I found out that K8T890 doesn't support dual-core, I figured my next machine would be nF4, but this looks good enough that by the time I build my next machine (which will probably be months away, for money reasons), I may very well use a board based on this chipset.

    Also, speaking of dual AGP/PCI-E solutions, can't the VIA PT880 Pro do the same? I know it's for a different platform, but it doesn't seem to be a hack like some boards seem to use, and ASRock makes one or two boards based on it. What's the story there? Can the PT880 Pro really also do the triple graphics interface, and platform differences aside, how does it stack up against the M1695?
  • L3p3rM355i4h - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - link

    Interesting. Hopefully it doesn't go the way of the KT890.
  • MarkHark - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - link

    Does anybody know if this ULI south bridge supports NCQ and how its hard drive I/O performance compares to Nforce4 and SIS?
  • smn198 - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - link

    #25 If I was after AGP with the possibility to upgrade to PCIe without changing motherboard then yes I would be interested but I doubt that this feature will interest OEMs. The cost of a full motherboard will be pushed up once features such as SATA2 and Gbit LAN are added. The possibility of two full x16 PCIe slots is the most interesting thing to me as it could add a bit of future proofing.

    I would be interested if it had been out a few months and I wasn't going to be an early adopter. I'd want to know what the drivers are like and no matter how good this chipset is, I doubt it's driver support will be as good as the nVidia. Good luck to them though! We need another high-end chipset maker for AMD.
  • Zebo - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - link

    Abit and Gigabyte both have full-blown boards in the works.
    Well that certainly makes things interesting.. Thanks again.. And I take back my comment about DOA like SIS 75x seems to be:)
  • Wesley Fink - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - link

    #25 - Competitive and much cheaper also works - with the unique AGP on PCIe to get your attention.
  • smn198 - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - link

    #15 - I agree but also, they don't need to show that they are as competitive as the nForce4, they need to be better.
  • fishy - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - link

    Exciting news to me:

    _I still have an 'ol Asus/ Ali motherboard
    running, and it has been "very good to me" :)

    _I'm still looking for a AMD 64 motherboard
    (bought an NF4 board a few months ago
    and got rid of it really fast, too many

    Asus, get on this fast, please!

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