ABIT Siluro GeForce4 Ti 4400

ABIT Siluro GeForce4 Ti 4400

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NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400
(275/550 core/memory clock)
128MB Samsung 3.6ns DDR SDRAM
Cooling (Core)
Rectangular HSF Unit
Cooling (Memory)
4 - Heatsink Strips
External Video Encoder Chip
External TMDS Transmitter(s)
1 - Silicon Image 164 Tx
1 - DVI-to-VGA adapter included
Software/Gaming Bundle
ABIT SiluroDVD Player
Observed Online Price

ABIT has been making NVIDIA based graphics cards for a while now and their Siluro GeForce4 Ti 4400 is another release from the company. There's nothing all to special about the Siluro 4400 outside of its unique cooling setup (you'll hear us say that about a number of the cards in this roundup). ABIT hasn't gone for anything too fancy with this Siluro but at the same time they haven't produced the most effective cooling solution.

The memory heatsinks are attached using a sort of glue which we hope conducts heat well but we fear does more to insulate than conduct. Luckily the GPU itself is covered with a thin layer of thermal grease that provides for ample heat transfer between it and the rectangular heatsink above.

The Siluro 4400 is outfitted with only a single Sil 164 TMDS transmitter meaning that only one DVI output is offered. For those of you without DVI displays, ABIT has provided a DVI-to-VGA adapter so you can utilize both outputs.

The Conexant video encoder chip is identical to the one featured in the Xbox and supports desktop output resolutions of up to 1024 x 768. The single TV-out port on the card is split into a s-video and composite out using a cable provided by ABIT. The card also comes with s-video and composite cables for actually outputting to your TV.


ABIT's only bundled software is their SiluroDVD player software which is simply a re-badged version of WinDVD.

The Test ASUS V8440/TD GeForce4 Ti 4400
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